Flower medicine
Hibiscus Rosasinensis (chembarathi or chemparathi) is an ornamental plant seen in almost all parts of Kerala. Its Latin name, rosa-sinensis translates into the rose of China or Chinese rose. This flower is predominant in almost all parts of India and China.
Women and girls (of Kerala) prepare a special herbal shampoo called chembarathi thali, by rubbing the leaves and flowers of chembarathi against a clean rock slab. This helps them with thickly growing, black shining hair. Ayurveda suggests it is good to prevent premature hair graying, hair loss, dandruff, and other hair related problems. Its petals also form a component of hair oil prepared at home. Coconut oil is boiled with easily available chemparathi petals, nellikka (amalaki), etc.
Other uses of hibiscus include regulation of menstrual cycle, avoid menstrual cramps, and also as a contraceptive medicine. The roots of the plant are used in the treatment of different venereal diseases.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis comes in the plant family Malvaceae.